Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Paper Tuesday

Good afternoon,

Actually, I did take photos yesterday!

For maths the children had to work in pairs, well, chasing each other, for to demonstrate to the class so that the class could then describe where the characters from Hairy MacLary, Scattercat started, where they finished, and how they got there.

So this morning the children started creating pictures of where one of the characters was, this time to label with precision in relation to the characters' environment.

After writing...

...and morning tea, we, along with the rest of the J and M Teams, popped into the hall to watch, with some considerable amazement, Naresh Kumar, a teacher from St Anthony's Catholic School in New Dehli demonstrate some Indian paper art.

Quite frankly, he was fantastic! If you would like to buy a wee book as to how to do it, please bring $4 to school in the morning.

After lunch we went outside to play, amoung other things, piggy in the middle (!)...

...before coming back late to the classroom. Sorry about that.

Mr Grant

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