Monday, 5 August 2013

Sticky Monday

Good afternoon,

This morning I tried to teach improper fractions to the Squares Numeracy Group while, and at the same time as, I was teaching the Diamonds...

Not too bad as far as it went. I'll see if I can do better overnight. Still, not too shabby - I tried to do the same on my tablet last night, but the audio was drowned out by my computer's fan!

Here's some more to follow up with.

Talking of noise...

This afternoon, Room 2 made some non-Newtonian fluid. Specifically, Oobleck. One cup of corn flower, half a cup of water, and away you go!

Crazy stuff, this Oobleck.

"It's sticky."
"If you dip your finger in and let it run down [you finger] you can't trust it 'cause it will find it’s way down to your shirt."
"Its all gooey on the top and hard at the bottom"
“When you put you finger in and let it there it will sink to the bottom"
"How does when you run across it you don’t sink? How do they mix a big, pool?"
"When there's some metal on it, the oobleck will get on it and pull it down right to the bottom."
"When you put the cobleck on a spoon it gets all told hard. When it's on the ground it's its hard [too]."

Oh, so this is how you do the "roll it into a ball" thing...

And to prove you can actually walk on this long as you keep moving...

Try making it at home ('specially the flat tray thing). Just make sure you don't put it down the sink when you're finished.

CU tomorrow,

Mr Grant

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