Friday, 14 June 2013

Robot Friday

Good evening,

Last night's performance was great! Thank you all for coming to support the children, they really really enjoyed putting on the show for you.

I must admit that my favourite scene was the one Mary, Karen and I worked on - Now I Understand. In my completely biased and unprofessional opinion. But let's face it, the rest of the children were grand as well!

I would especially like to thank Josephine Oorschot for her accompaniment on the piano. The children found it a lot easier to pick up the melody of the songs.

On to today. Bit of a mucky one, as far as teachers were concerned.

We joined the M Team for some Jump Jam... a poem about a robot...

...and then made some robots ourselves.

It was great to see them busily beavering away working beautifully together. Well done guys!

And that's when I lost the battle I was having with a migraine that I brought to school, so, well, I shot through about 12 while Rachel looked after them 'till lunch, and the rest of the J Team looked after them after assembly. Thanks ladies.

Enjoy the weekend, I'll see you Monday...but only in passing. I'm taking some Classroom Release Time to write report comments, so Mrs O'Neill will be at the helm, and then same again on Friday.

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